uPVC door alignment issues
Correct uPVC door alignment is important as we approach the Summer months. Why? During cold spells, doors often shrink. This causes the door to no longer sit in the frame. When the hot weather arrives and the doors then expand they misalign again just a little. Every year that passes adds up and the door will become more and more difficult to lock. This is the time to look at a uPVC door service in Doncaster before it’s too late.
Do not force the locking mechanism
This force that is being used is not good for the locking mechanism. Of course, we apply good old WD40, and it seems to be OK for a couple of days.
In reality, it’s not fixed. We all leave it until one day it fails to lock. This will not be a convenient time when it does. Taking a trip to B&Q for a replacement is also not wise. They don’t sell the required parts and why spend all day driving around for the correct lock? We replace faulty multipoint locks. This is a major part of our Doncaster locksmith business.

upvc door service in Doncaster
Have a uPVC door service in Doncaster and save money
What it needs is a full service and to get the door back to where it was when first fitted. SF Locksmith Doncaster can arrange to correct this. call Stephen at 07990573857 to schedule an appointment. You can send a text if you prefer.
In the long run, having your uPVC door aligned will save you money. Changing the locking mechanism on a uPVC door can be expensive compared with the cost of a service. Either way, SF Locksmith can help out regardless of the circumstances. All our work is guaranteed and we offer a no fix no charge call-out.