Tilt and slide doors were popular in the Doncaster area years ago. If you have one of these doors that is experiencing problems, SF Locksmith is here to help. Please don’t consider purchasing a new sliding patio door before getting a free repair quote. Your local double-glazing installer will tell you that a repair is not possible. We will tell you differently and save you lots of cash, as we specialise in tilt and slide patio door repair in Doncaster.
Things likely to go wrong on a tilt-and-slide door
Drive gear failure
To open or put the door on tilt you must rotate the handle. This handle controls a “drive gear”, which moves the locking points around the door’s edge. You will see them if you open the door and look down the edge. This drive gear can fail through wear and tear after many years of use. The door will drop a little, putting extra stress on the lower locking points. If the handle had become more burdensome to operate recently, then that is a sign that this is the problem. You would also notice this by looking at the silver keeps at the bottom because they will look worn and shiny.

Tilt and slide door repair in Doncaster
The top of the door falls inwards
Two arms connect at the top of a tilt and slide patio door, and these help the door glide left and right and hold in the tilt position. Part of this attachment is the “gliders”, which wear out and disintegrate after years of use. It can be a problem when this happens as the door will want to fall. The door can still be put back into its closed position and secured if this happens.
The door fails to close
At the bottom of the door is the “bottom bogey”. This part holds the door’s weight and assists in sliding side to side. This bogey operates in two parts and connects via a steel bar. If this becomes loose, the door will be out of square and a real pain to shut.
Can we fix these tilt and slide patio doors?
We can fix them now, even though parts are becoming increasingly scarce. I can exchange the drive gears and still have the original parts available. The top gliders are usually Sigenia, high quality, which last for years after fitting. The bottom bogey needs a good service.
So, if you need a tilt and slide patio door repaired in Doncaster, call Stephen at SF Locksmiths.