Be aware of lock-snapping techniques
Burglaries are happening throughout Doncaster. Can you take steps to protect your properties from an attack? Here, I’m offering some Doncaster locksmiths lock advice.
Burglars are exploiting a technique known as lock snapping, which can be executed with basic tools and knowledge. This method is being used to gain unauthorized access to properties in Doncaster, posing a significant threat to your property’s security. This concerning trend originated at the turn of the century and has now spread from W Yorks to S Yorks.
Protect your properties from attack!
The weak point is the barrel, and you need to swap the existing barrel for one that is 3-star rated and sold secure. I recommend the Ultion three-star plus, with a £5000 guarantee against your locks being snapped. These locks cover all bases and resist snapping, drilling, bumping, and picking.
Ultion door lock security features
The keyway isn’t vertical on these, which has been the standard for euro cylinders in the UK. The keyway is horizontal on the Ultion, ABS, Garrison, Apecs and Yale. The key goes in sideways and sends out a signal to thieves that your locks are theft-protected. This keyway style isn’t guaranteed to deter, but it helps. New, cheaper three-star locks have come to market recently. But they don’t have this. Only a locksmith would know the difference. This leaves you open to a possible attack.
Beware of cheap ant-snap locks
Please don’t let a cheap offer on anti-snap locks entice you. Other locksmiths offer great deals, but the locks are not three-star rated. You can check this by looking for the three stars on the front of the barrel.

Doncaster locksmiths lock advice.
Free lock advice to Doncaster homeowners
If you have concerns about your locks though, we offer free advice to our Doncaster residents. I have competitors who claim as ex-police, they know burglaries better. In the early days of lock snapping, they asked locksmiths for advice. The general advice given by CSI and the Police was to make sure your handles were flush. It is untrue, and how many people have been theft victims because of this poor advice? Use the experience of a locksmith with over 25 years in the industry.
If you’re worried about the cost of upgrading your locks, don’t worry. We offer low prices. Our suppliers helped put together this package. It helps homeowners afford these lock changes. Please contact us for more Doncaster Locksmiths lock advice. Or, to get an estimate for your lock upgrade.